Book of Idioms, Episode 12
To "face off" with someone is to confront that person in some way.
Example: "Murray Faces Off With Federer for Tennis Gold" This means that the two athletes faced each other in a singles tennis match.
To "hand in" something is to deliver that something to some kind of authority. (You "hand over" to a specific person.)
Ex.: "Stradivarius violin handed in at Swiss lost property office". Someone found the violin, worth millions of dollars, and handed it in so that it could be returned to its proper owner.
When a group has been "rounded up," it is an expression for being arrested (or somehow detained by police short of arrest).
Ex.: "130 cycling protesters rounded up" is an earlier version of a headline describing the arrest of over 180 bicycle-riding protesters trying to breach a security cordon during the current Olympic games.
The term "wardrobe malfunction" entered popular vocabulary after it was used to defend singer Janet Jackson when her costume exposed a breast and nipple during a Super Bowl halftime performance several years ago, causing supposedly accidental indecent exposure. The term is now used for any "accidental" exposure of more skin than intended due to clothing problems.
As an expression, "in depth" will pretty much always mean "in detail".
Example: "Finance ministers discussed the EU's sovereign debt crisis in depth at their latest meeting in Geneva." This is another example of a split idiom. "Discuss in depth" ( = in detail) is the full idiom here.
Since someone asked, to "kick ass" (as an expression) is to strongly succeed against another.
Example: "Italy kicked Germany's ass at football in the Euro 2012 competition." This is definitely not polite English, but you should certainly know what it means!
To "go with the flow" is to respond to changing conditions rather than trying to force a predetermined outcome. "Sometimes you need to go with the flow and make decisions on the fly instead of planning everything in advance." Flow implies a natural and expected degree of change. -
A bird does not plan out an entire flight in advance. When a bird is already in the air, it makes an "on the fly" decision to turn right or left.
Ex.: "While visiting her best friend, Annie decided to go see a movie on the fly. She brought her best friend with her." This was also a spur of the moment decision.
A "no-show" is something or someone that has failed to make an appearance.
Example: The patient was left waiting by the doctor, who was a no-show despite a wait of several hours.
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100 Articles on Idioms and Phrases
We Have A Situation, Picking Up Some Chinese (Food)
Origin: Phrases Derived from Various Sources, Part 1
Getting Warmer, The Suffix, -ish, Coming To A Head, Hitting the Books
What's Your Beef, Not Quite So Simple
A Lame Duck, lame duck session
Pain At The Pump, Slogging One's Way, Being Outdoors
A Number Of Something, A Product Line, To Kill A Product Line
A Big Freeze,To Be In, Or Not In, Arm-Twisting
Last-Minute, Propelled By, Squeaking By
Blowing A Gasket, Lost In Translation
Nothing To Lose, It Can't Hurt, A Babe In The Woods
Neck Of The Woods, Turning The Other Cheek, A Loudmouth
An Odyssey, Getting One's Feet Wet
Significant Other, Having Something To Say
Through and Through, A Crying Shame
Tell Us How You Really Feel, Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Begging On Hands And Knees, The Front Burner & The Back Burner
Wilderness and Errand Themed Idioms, In The Wilderness
Surging and Ebbing, Playing Your Cards Right
Positive and Negative Advertisements, Enthusiasm Gap
Through The Barrel Of A Gun, Man Up,
A Case For Action, Darkening, Brightening, Salvaging Victory
Political Battlegrounds, Pumping Money, A Wave Of Ads, Ramping Up Spending
English Proverbs With Their Meanings
Smooth Sailing, Rough Sailing, Sailing To Victory, Going Solar, Zombie Banks
Taking The Temperature (of a group), Buck Up
Show Some Backbone, Have / Grow A Spine, Breathing Down Someone's Neck, Front Runner Status
Staring Down The Barrel Of...., In Line (To Succeed), Up For Grabs, Band-Aid Solution
A Blip, A Wave, A Tsunami/ A Tidal Wave, A Method To One's Madness, Crowning Achievement
Easier Said Than Done, In Store, Jumping The Shark, Heading Downhill
In All Seriousness, Digging It, Giving A Damn, A.M. and P.M., Keep Up The Good Work
To Keep Something Coming, Make My Day, Forcing Something, Turning The Page
Mission Accomplished, I Can't Thank You Enough, Words Fail Me, At A Loss For Words
"I Can't Hear You!", To Snatch Away, At The Top Of Your Lungs, Hanging Your Head (In Shame)
Leaving It All On The Field, Cool, Hot, To Trust Blindly, I'm Free
The Day of Reckoning, Aiming For Something, Hopping Mad, You've Gotta Be Kidding Me
Throwing The Baby Out With The Bathwater, Off The Reservation, At First Blush
Smelling A Rat, A Packrat, A Frog In Your Throat
When Pigs Fly, Horsing Around, An Eager Beaver, Dropping Like Flies
Wolfing Food Down, Pigging Out, Opening A Can Of Worms
A White Elephant, The Tip of the Iceberg
Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag, A Fat Cat
Making Waves, Go With The Flow, Down to Earth
A Stick-In-The-Mud, A Sight For Sore Eyes, Raining On Someone's Parade
Under the Weather, Having Your Head In The Clouds
Stealing Someone's Thunder, Hitting the Sack, Hitting the Hay, Digging Deep, Cheesy
A Bad Apple, A Bad Egg, One's Bread and Butter, A Piece of Cake
In A Nutshell, Egg on your Face, A Hot Potato, Hitting the Sauce, Gravy Train etc.
Riding Someone's Coattails, Caught On Tape, Armed to the Teeth, Seeing Eye To Eye
Flipped On Its Head, In The Heart Of, I Feel Like A Million Bucks, On The Line
Notable English Idioms: Part 01
Notable English Idioms: Part 02
Idioms beginning with E, F, G, H
Idioms beginning with I, J, K, L
Idioms beginning with P, Q, R, S
Idioms beginning with T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z