Idioms Beginning With T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
table scrap
table talk
tag along
tag team
tail between one's legs
tail wagging the dog
take a back seat
take a bath
take a bead on
take a bite
take a bow
take a breath
take a breather
take a bullet
take a chance
take a crack at
take a crap
take a dim view of
take a dive
take a flyer
take a gamble
take a gander
take a grab
take a hike
take a joke
take a leaf out of someone's book
take a leak
take a licking and keep on ticking
take a long walk on a short pier
take a look
take a nap
take a number
take a pew
take a picture
take a powder
take a ride to Tyburn
take a risk
take a run at
take a seat
take a shit
take a shot in the dark
take a stab at
take a stand
take a tumble
take a turn for the better
take a turn for the worse
take a wife
take a wrong turn at Albuquerque
take aback
take aim
take an axe to
take by storm
take cover
take delight in
take down a peg
take effect
take exception
take five
take flight
take for a ride
take for a spin
take for granted
take guard
take heart
take heed
take ill
take into account
take into consideration
take issue with
take it away
take it easy
take it from me
take it like a man
take it or leave it
take it out on
take it outside
take it up the ass
take it upon oneself
take its toll
take kindly
take leave
take leave of one's senses
take liberties
take lightly
take lying down
take matters into one's own hands
take no for an answer
take no notice of
take no prisoners
take on
take on faith
take on the chin
take on water
take one for the team
take one's ball and go home
take one's chance
take one's eye off the ball
take one's hat off to
take one's lumps
take one's pick
take one's time
take one's tongue out of someone's ass
take out
take out an onion
take out of context
take out the trash
take over
take part
take pride
take sick
take sides
take silk
take sitting down
take someone's head off
take someone's word for it
take something as read
take something in one's stride
take something in stride
take something to the grave
take the bait
take the biscuit
take the Browns to the Super Bowl
take the bull by the horns
take the cake
take the count
take the cure
take the fall
take the field
take the fifth
take the game to
take the gilt off the gingerbread
take the heat
take the hint
take the law into one's own hands
take the lead
take the liberty
take the Michael
take the mick
take the mickey
take the offensive
take the pee
take the piss
take the plunge
take the point
take the red pill
take the reins
take the shadow for the substance
take the stand
take the wheel
take the wind out of someone's sails
take things as they come
take to
take to heart
take to one's heels
take to task
take to the bank
take to the cleaners
take to the hills
take to wife
take up a collection
take up the cudgel for
take up the gauntlet
take up with
talent management
talk a blue streak
talk a mile a minute
talk about
talk back
talk dirty
talk down
talk in circles
talk is cheap
talk jockey
talk like an apothecary
talk of the devil
talk of the town
talk out of turn
talk out one's ass
talk over someone's head
talk someone into something
talk someone under the table
talk someone's ear off
talk the talk
talk through one's hat
talk to the hand
talk turkey
talk up
talking head
tall in the saddle
tall order
tall tale
tamp down
tan someone's hide
taper off
tar with the same brush
taste of one's own medicine
taste of one's own poison
teach someone a lesson
teacher's pet
team up
team up with
tear apart
tear away
tear it up
tear one's hair out
tear up
tear up the pea patch
tee off
teed off
teensy weensy
teeny weeny
teething problems
teething troubles
telephone tag
tell against
tell all
tell apart
tell fortunes
tell it like it is
tell it to Sweeney
tell it to the judge
tell it to the marines
tell off
tell someone where to shove it
tell tales
tell tales out of school
tell the truth
tell you the truth
tell you what
temper temper
tempest in a teapot
temple of immensity
tempt fate
ten a penny
ten foot pole
ten-dollar word
tentpole movie
term out
terminal leaves
territorial pissing
test bed
test of time
test the waters
than a bygod
thank one's lucky stars
thanks a bunch
thanks for nothing
that does it
that figures
that way
Thatcher's children
that'll be the day
that's a girl
that's all she wrote
that's just me
that's saying something
that's that
that's the ticket
that's what she said
that's what's up
the ball is in someone's court
the bee's knees
the biter bit
the box they're going to bury it in
the buck stops here
the cat's out of the bag
the devil
the die is cast
The End
the end of one's rope
the feathers fly
the finger
the fix is in
the genie's out of the bottle
the handbags come out
the hell out of
the icing on the cake
the jig is up
the joke is on someone
the long and short
the man
the nose knows
the old woman is plucking her goose
the other day
the pants off
the place to be
the plot thickens
the quality
the rabbit died
the rest is history
the rubber meets the road
the shoe is on the other foot
the show must go on
the straw that broke the camel's back
the terrorists will have won
the thing is
the thing of it
the upper hand
the wheels came off
the wheels came off the bus
the wheels came off the wagon
the wheels fell off
the wheels fell off the bus
the wheels fell off the wagon
the whole nine yards
the whole world and his dog
the world over
them's the breaks
them's the facts
then again
then and there
there and back
there for everyone to see
there is no there there
there must be something in the water
there we go
there you are
there you go
there you have it
there, there
there's only one
these islands
thick and thin
thick as thieves
thick of things
thick skin
thief in the night
thin air
thin edge of the wedge
thin end of the wedge
thin section
things that go bump in the night
think aloud
think back
think of
think of England
think on one's feet
think one's shit doesn't stink
think over
think tank
think the world of
think twice
think up
think with one's little head
third country
third degree
third hand
third person
third space
third string
third way
third wheel
this instance
this minute
this, that, and the other
thorn in someone's side
thorn in the flesh
though but
thrash out
thread the needle
three Rs
three score and ten
three sheets to the wind
three skips of a louse
three-martini lunch
three-ring circus
thrill kill
thrill killer
through and through
through the roof
throw a bone to
throw a fit
throw a party
throw a spanner in the works
throw a tantrum
throw a wobbly
throw an eye
throw aside
throw caution to the wind
throw chunks
throw cold water on
throw down
throw down the gauntlet
throw good money after bad
throw in
throw in at the deep end
throw in the towel
throw in with
throw money away
throw off
throw off balance
throw off the trail
throw one's weight around
throw one's cap over the windmill
throw one's hat in the ring
throw one's hat over the fence
throw one's hat over the wall
throw one's toys out of the pram
throw oneself at
throw out
throw shapes
throw some shapes
throw someone a curve
throw stones in a glass house
throw the baby out with the bathwater
throw the book at
throw to the dogs
throw to the wind
throw to the wolves
throw under the bus
throw up
thumb a ride
thumb on the scale
thumb one's nose
thus and so
thus and such
tick all the boxes
tick over
tickle pink
tickle someone's fancy
tickle someone's funny bone
tickle the dragon's tail
tickle the ivories
tide over
tie one on
tie someone's hands
tie the knot
tie up
tie up loose ends
tiger team
tight lips
tight ship
tight spot
tighten the purse strings
till death do us part
tilt at windmills
time after time
time and material
time bandit
time burglar
time of the month
time off
time out
time out of mind
time thief
time will tell
tin ear
tin god
Tinker to Evers to Chance
tip of the hat
tip of the iceberg
tip off
tip one's hand
tip one's hat
tip the scale
tip the scales
tipping it down
tiptoe around
tire fire
tired and emotional
tit for tat
tits up
to a fare-thee-well
to a fault
to a nicety
to a T
to a turn
to all intents and purposes
to be honest
to be named later
to be sure
to beat the band
to boot
to date
to death
to die for
to do with
to go
to hell in a handbasket
to little avail
to no avail
to one's heart's content
to one's mind
to pieces
to say nothing of
to say the least
to speak of
to tell the truth
to that end
to the bone
to the brim
to the gills
to the hilt
to the letter
to the max
to the moon
to the nth degree
to the point
to the T
to the tee
to the tonsils
to the tune of
toast of the town
today we are all
toddle off
toe the line
toes up
toke up
Tom, Dick and Harry
tomato juice
tomayto, tomahto
tone down
tonsil hockey
tonsil tennis
too bad
too big for one's boots
too big for one's britches
too clever by half
too good for this world
too hot to hold
too many balls in the air
too rich for one's blood
too slow
tool around
toot one's own horn
tooth and nail
top banana
top brass
top cat
top dog
top dollar
top drawer
top edge
top hand
top hat
top it off
top notch
top of mind
top of the line
top of the morning
top oneself
top shelf
top up
top-heavy with drink
topple over
topsy turvy
torque off
torqued off
toss around
toss up
total clearance
totus porcus
touch a nerve
touch and go
touch base
touch cloth
touch of the tar brush
touch off
touch on
touch oneself
touch the hem of someone's garment
touch up
touch wood
touched in the head
tough as nails
tough call
tough cookie
tough cookies
tough love
tough luck
tough nut to crack
tough titties
tough titty
tough toodles
tough tuchus
toughen up
town and gown
toy boy
toys in the attic
track down
track record
traditional marriage
trailer park trash
trailer trash
train wreck
transcendental meditation
transform and roll out
trash out
tread lightly
trench mouth
trial balloon
trial by fire
trial by media
trials and tribulations
trick of the trade
trick up one's sleeve
trickle down
tried and tested
tried and true
trip balls
trip out
trip to the woodshed
trot out
trouble at mill
trouble in paradise
true believer
true blue
true stripes
true to form
true to one's colors
trump up
truth be told
try one's hand
try one's luck
TS girl
tub of guts
tube steak
tuckered out
tug of war
tune in
tune out
tuppence worth
turd in the punchbowl
turf war
turkey shoot
Turkish bread
turn a blind eye
turn a corner
turn a deaf ear
turn a hair
turn a phrase
turn a profit
turn a trick
turn against
turn around
turn back
turn down
turn heads
turn in
turn in one's grave
turn into
turn into a pumpkin
turn loose
turn of events
turn of foot
turn of phrase
turn off
turn on
turn on its head
turn on one's heel
turn one on
turn one's back
turn one's coat
turn one's nose up
turn out
turn over
turn over a new leaf
turn someone's crank
turn someone's head
turn tail
turn the air blue
turn the corner
turn the other cheek
turn the page
turn the scale
turn the screw
turn the tables
turn the tide
turn to
turn to dust
turn tricks
turn two
turn up
turn up for the book
turn up one's nose
turn up trumps
turn upside down
turn with every wind
Tweedledum and Tweedledee
twelve-ounce curls
twenty to
twenty to the dozen
twenty winks
twenty-twenty hindsight
twiddle one's thumbs
twilight years
twinkle in one's father's eye
twist in the wind
twist of fate
twist someone's arm
twist someone's balls
twist the knife
two a penny
two birds with one stone
two bob
two cents
two for two
two ha'pennies for a penny
two left feet
two pennies to rub together
two pennies' worth
two penn'orth
two thumbs up
two-edged sword
two-fisted drinker
two-second rule
two-way street
tyre kicker
ugly as sin
un-rock and roll
unavailable energy
under a cloud
under a spell
under erasure
Citations:under erasure
under fire
under glass
under lock and key
under no circumstances
under one's breath
under one's hat
under one's nose
under one's own steam
under one's thumb
under one's wing
under sail
under the carpet
under the cosh
under the covers
under the gun
under the impression
under the influence
under the microscope
under the pump
under the radar
under the rose
under the rug
under the sun
under the table
under the weather
under the wire
under water
under way
under wraps
university of life
unknown quantity
uno ab alto
unring a bell
until hell freezes over
until one is blue in the face
until the cows come home
Citations:until the cows come home
until the last dog is hung
unto the ages of ages
unwashed masses
up a storm
up a tree
up above
up against
up against it
up and at 'em
up and down
up and running
up for
up for grabs
up front
up hill and down dale
up in arms
up in the air
up on
up on one's ear
up one's own ass
up one's sleeve
up poo creek
up shit creek without a paddle
up shit's creek
up shit's creek without a paddle
up someone's street
up the ante
up the creek
up the river
up the wall
up the walls
up the wazoo
up the ying yang
up there
up to eleven
up to here
up to no good
up to par
up to scratch
up to snuff
up to something
up to speed
up with the chickens
up with the lark
up with the larks
up yours
uphill battle
upper crust
upright man
ups and downs
upset the applecart
upset the natives
urban fabric
use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
use one's head
use one's noggin
used to
vale of tears
valley of death
valley of the shadow of death
variable tandem repeat locus
vaulting school
velvet handcuffs
verbal assault
verge on
very good
very well
vest buster
victory at sea
vim and vigor
virgin territory
viviparous lizard
voice in the wilderness
vote down
vote with one's feet
vouch for
vowel quantity
wading bird
wait for it
wait for the ball to drop
wait for the other shoe to drop
wait on
wait on hand and foot
wait on hand, foot and finger
wait on someone hand, foot and finger
wait on someone hand, foot, and finger
wait out
wait upon hand and foot
waiting game
wake up and smell the coffee
wake up on the wrong side of bed
walk a mile in someone's shoes
walk a tightrope
walk all over
walk and chew gum at the same time
walk away
walk away from
walk back
walk down the aisle
walk free
walk in on
walk in the park
walk in the snow
walk of life
walk off with
walk on eggshells
walk on the wild side
walk on water
walk over
walk the dog
walk the floor
walk the line
walk the plank
walk the talk
walk the walk
walk through
walking dictionary
wall of silence
Wall Street
wallow in the mire
wanker's cramp
want out
war bride
war of nerves
warm body
warm fuzzy
warm regards
warm the cockles of someone's heart
warning shot
warrior ant
warts and all
wash one's hands
wash one's hands of
wash out
washed out
washed up
waste away
waste breath
waste not, want not
watch it
watch one's mouth
watch one's step
watch out
watch over
watch this space
water can
water closet
water down
water over the dam
water power
water to one's mill
water under the bridge
watering hole
wave away
wave of the hand
wave the white flag
way back when
way out of a paper bag
we haven't got all day
weak sister
weak tea
weaker vessel
wear down
wear one's heart on one's sleeve
wear out one's welcome
wear rose-colored glasses
wear thin
wear too many hats
weasel out
weather the storm
wee small hours
weed out
weekend warrior
weigh against
weigh down
weigh in
weight of the world
welcome to my world
weld together
welfare Cadillac
well and good
well and truly
well done
well hung
well met
well, I never
were you born in a tent
wet behind the ears
wet blanket
wet boy
wet dream
wet one's beak
wet one's pants
wet one's whistle
wet the bed
whale tail
what are the odds
what can I say
what did your last slave die of
what do I know
what do you say
what else is new
what for
what in tarnation
what is more
what it takes
what not
what of it
what someone said
what the Devil
what was someone smoking
what was that
what with
what you see is what you get
what's it to you
what, me worry
whatever creams your twinkie
whatever floats your boat
whatever it takes
what's cooking
what's eating
what's eating you
what's going on
what's in it for me
what's new
what's the difference
what's the good of
what's the matter
what's up
what's what
wheel away
wheel out
wheel within a wheel
when all is said and done
when it's at home
when one's ship comes in
when pigs fly
when push comes to shove
when the chips are down
when two Sundays come together
when two Sundays meet
when, as, and if
where it's at
where the sun don't shine
where's the beef
which foot the shoe is on
whichever way one slices it
while we're young
whip hand
whip through
whips and jingles
whisk away
whisk off
whiskey dick
whisper campaign
whistle Dixie
whistle for
whistle in the dark
whistle past the graveyard
whistle walk
white cloth
white coat hypertension
white elephant
white girl
white hat
white hole
White House
white lie
white magic
white man
white marriage
white on rice
white paper
white rider
white sheep
white trash
white trashery
white wedding
white wine
Whitman's sampler
who shot John
whole ball of wax
whole cloth
whole shebang
whole shooting match
whole smash
whomp on
whomp up
whoop ass
whoop it up
who's 'she', the cat's mother?
who's who
why in God's name
why on Earth
whys and wherefores
wicked tongue
wide awake
wide berth
wide of the mark
wild cherry
wild horses
wild turkey
wild-goose chase
will do
will o' the wisp
willful ignorance
willing horse
willow in the wind
win back
win by a nose
win one for the Gipper
win over
win the day
wind at one's back
wind back the clock
wind down
wind off
wind up one's bottoms
window dressing
wine tosser
wing it
winged word
winning ways
winter rat
winter sun
wipe out
wipe someone's eye
wipe the slate clean
wireless network
wise apple
wise guy
wishful thinking
with a grain of salt
with a quickness
with a vengeance
with a view to
with a will
with all due respect
with an eye to
with an eye towards
with any luck
with bated breath
with both hands
with flying colors
with knobs on
with no further ado
with one voice
with one's bare hands
with one's dick in one's hand
with one's head held high
with one's jaw in one's lap
with open arms
with pleasure
with the manner
within ames ace
within an ace of
within living memory
within reach
without a hitch
without fail
without further ado
woe betide
wolf down
wolf in sheep's clothing
woman among women
woman of the hour
woman of the people
woman on the street
wooden mare
wooden spoon
wooden spoonist
word of mouth
word on the street
word on the wire
word play
word to the wise
words of one syllable
work like a dream
work nights
work one's butt off
work one's fingers to the bone
work one's magic
work out
work someone's arse off
work someone's ass off
work spouse
work the crowd
work the room
work through
work to rule
work wonders
worked up
working girl
worlds apart
worm food
worm turns
worm's-eye view
worry wart
worse for wear
worship the ground someone walks on
worship the porcelain god
worship the porcelain goddess
worst comes to worst
worst of both worlds
worth a Jew's eye
worth every penny
worth its weight in gold
worth one's salt
worth one's while
woulda, coulda, shoulda
wouldn't hurt a fly
wouldn't shout if a shark bit him
wouldn't you know
wouldn't you know it
wrack and ruin
wrap around one's little finger
wrap in the flag
wrap one's head around
wrap up
wreak havoc
wrestle with a pig
wriggle out of
writ large
write down
write home about
write one's own ticket
writer's cramp
writing on the wall
written all over someone's face
wrong crowd
wrong number
wrong place at the wrong time
wrong side of the tracks
X factor
X marks the spot
X's and O's
yank someone's chain
Yankee dime
Yankee go home
yardarm to yardarm
ye gods
yeah, right
year dot
year in, year out
yell at
yell silently
yellow brick road
yellow cake
yellow dog
yellow grease
yellow journalism
yellow light
yellow press
yellow state
yeoman's service
yes and no
yes man
yes to death
yield the ghost
you all
you bet
you can say that again
you can't be half pregnant
you can't judge a book by its cover
you can't say fairer than that
you don't say
you gals
you guys
you know
you know it
you know what
you knows it
you lot
you name it
you shouldn't have
you snooze you lose
you think
you what
you wish
you'll never guess
young at heart
young fogey
young lady
young man
young Turk
younger brother
younger sister
your ass
your blood's worth bottling
your guess is as good as mine
your man
your mileage may vary
you're telling me
yours sincerely
yours trulies
yours truly
zero in on
zig when one should zag
zip one's lip
zip up
(source: wiktionary)
➤ Read more idioms and phrases, English grammar and vocabulary at Basic English Grammar And Vocabulary .
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➤ Origin of Idioms
➤ Proverbs
➤ Idioms on Situation
➤ Idioms on Temperature
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100 Articles on Idioms and Phrases
We Have A Situation, Picking Up Some Chinese (Food)
Origin: Phrases Derived from Various Sources, Part 1
Getting Warmer, The Suffix, -ish, Coming To A Head, Hitting the Books
What's Your Beef, Not Quite So Simple
A Lame Duck, lame duck session
Pain At The Pump, Slogging One's Way, Being Outdoors
A Number Of Something, A Product Line, To Kill A Product Line
A Big Freeze,To Be In, Or Not In, Arm-Twisting
Last-Minute, Propelled By, Squeaking By
Blowing A Gasket, Lost In Translation
Nothing To Lose, It Can't Hurt, A Babe In The Woods
Neck Of The Woods, Turning The Other Cheek, A Loudmouth
An Odyssey, Getting One's Feet Wet
Significant Other, Having Something To Say
Through and Through, A Crying Shame
Tell Us How You Really Feel, Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Begging On Hands And Knees, The Front Burner & The Back Burner
Wilderness and Errand Themed Idioms, In The Wilderness
Surging and Ebbing, Playing Your Cards Right
Positive and Negative Advertisements, Enthusiasm Gap
Through The Barrel Of A Gun, Man Up,
A Case For Action, Darkening, Brightening, Salvaging Victory
Political Battlegrounds, Pumping Money, A Wave Of Ads, Ramping Up Spending
English Proverbs With Their Meanings
Smooth Sailing, Rough Sailing, Sailing To Victory, Going Solar, Zombie Banks
Taking The Temperature (of a group), Buck Up
Show Some Backbone, Have / Grow A Spine, Breathing Down Someone's Neck, Front Runner Status
Staring Down The Barrel Of...., In Line (To Succeed), Up For Grabs, Band-Aid Solution
A Blip, A Wave, A Tsunami/ A Tidal Wave, A Method To One's Madness, Crowning Achievement
Easier Said Than Done, In Store, Jumping The Shark, Heading Downhill
In All Seriousness, Digging It, Giving A Damn, A.M. and P.M., Keep Up The Good Work
To Keep Something Coming, Make My Day, Forcing Something, Turning The Page
Mission Accomplished, I Can't Thank You Enough, Words Fail Me, At A Loss For Words
"I Can't Hear You!", To Snatch Away, At The Top Of Your Lungs, Hanging Your Head (In Shame)
Leaving It All On The Field, Cool, Hot, To Trust Blindly, I'm Free
The Day of Reckoning, Aiming For Something, Hopping Mad, You've Gotta Be Kidding Me
Throwing The Baby Out With The Bathwater, Off The Reservation, At First Blush
Smelling A Rat, A Packrat, A Frog In Your Throat
When Pigs Fly, Horsing Around, An Eager Beaver, Dropping Like Flies
Wolfing Food Down, Pigging Out, Opening A Can Of Worms
A White Elephant, The Tip of the Iceberg
Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag, A Fat Cat
Making Waves, Go With The Flow, Down to Earth
A Stick-In-The-Mud, A Sight For Sore Eyes, Raining On Someone's Parade
Under the Weather, Having Your Head In The Clouds
Stealing Someone's Thunder, Hitting the Sack, Hitting the Hay, Digging Deep, Cheesy
A Bad Apple, A Bad Egg, One's Bread and Butter, A Piece of Cake
In A Nutshell, Egg on your Face, A Hot Potato, Hitting the Sauce, Gravy Train etc.
Riding Someone's Coattails, Caught On Tape, Armed to the Teeth, Seeing Eye To Eye
Flipped On Its Head, In The Heart Of, I Feel Like A Million Bucks, On The Line
Notable English Idioms: Part 01
Notable English Idioms: Part 02
Idioms beginning with E, F, G, H
Idioms beginning with I, J, K, L
Idioms beginning with P, Q, R, S
Idioms beginning with T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z