Idioms Beginning With C, D
cake crumbs
cake walk
cakes and ale
call a spade a spade
call it a day
call it a night
call it even
call it quits
call off the dogs
call on
call out
call someone's bluff
call someone's number
call the shots
call to account
call to the bar
call up
calling card
calm before the storm
calm your tits
camel through the eye of a needle
camel's nose
camp out
can it
can of worms
canary fit
canary in a coal mine
candle in the wind
can't even
can't get enough
can't help
can't seem
can't stand
can't wait
cap in hand
cap it all off
cap over the windmill
captain's pick
care a jackstraw
care package
carried away
carrot and stick
carry a torch for
carry a tune
carry coals to Newcastle
carry forward
carry off
carry on
carry one's weight
carry oneself
carry out
carry over
carry someone's water
carry the can
carry the mail
carry the message to Garcia
carry through
carry water for
cart off
carve out
carved in stone
case closed
cash cow
cash in
cash in one's chips
cash on the barrelhead
cash up
cask wine
cast a shadow
cast aside
cast aspersions
cast one's vote
cast pearls before swine
cast the first stone
cast up one's accounts
castle in the air
casu consulto
cat and dog life
cat and mouse
cat got someone's tongue
cat in the meal-tub
cat in the sack
cat piss
cat that ate the canary
catbird seat
catch a cold
catch air
catch as catch can
catch big air
catch dust
catch fire
catch flies
catch heat
catch hell
catch it
catch napping
catch of the day
catch on
catch one's drift
catch sight of
catch some rays
catch some z's
catch some Zs
catch someone napping
catch someone's eye
catch the eye
catch the sun
Catholic twins
cat's cradle
cat's meow
cat's pajamas
cat's pyjamas
cat's tongue
cattle call
caucus race
caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
caught on the hop
caught stealing
caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
caught with one's pants down
cause a stir
cave in
caviar to the general
cease and desist
cease to be
center field
central dogma
chain reaction
chalk off
chalk up to
champ at the bit
champagne taste on a beer budget
chance upon
chance'd be a fine thing
chances are
change hands
change horses in midstream
change of heart
change of life
change of tack
change one's mind
change one's tune
change over
change someone's mind
change the channel
character assassination
charge down
charge up
charity mugger
charley horse
charm offensive
charmed life
chase a rainbow
chase after
chase off
chase one's tail
chase rainbows
chase tail
chat up
cheap-arse Tuesday
cheaper by the dozen
cheat on
cheat sheet
check and balance
check is in the mail
check through
checks and balances
cheeky monkey
cheer up
cheese it
cheesed off
chemical imbalance
chemically imbalanced
cherry on top
chesterfield rugby
chew off
chew on
chew out
chew the cud
chew the fat
chew the meat and spit out the bones
chew the scenery
chew up
chicken bit
chicken feed
chicken fillet
chicken liver
chicken out
chickens come home to roost
childhood friend
child's play
chill girl
chill out
chilly climate
chime in
chin up
China syndrome
Chinaman on one's back
Chinaman's chance
Chinese cherry
Chinese compliment
Chinese green
Chinese overtime
Chinese puzzle
Chinese Wall
chink up
chip away
chip in
chip off the old block
chip on one's shoulder
chip shot
chip up
chirk up
chocolate hot dog
choke off
choke the chicken
chomp at the bit
choose up
choose your battles
chop down
chopped liver
chow down
Christmas graduate
Christmas present
Christmas tree bill
chrome dome
chrome horn
chuck in
chuck it down
chuck out
chum up
chump change
circle the drain
circle the wagons
circuit slugger
circular file
circular firing squad
cite chapter and verse
cities and counties
city and county
city slicker
civil tongue
claim to fame
clam up
clamp down on
clash of the ash
class clown
class warfare
clean house
clean out
clean someone's clock
clean up
clean up one's act
clear cut
clear one's lines
clear out
clear the decks
climb down
climb the walls
clock in
clock is ticking
clog up
close enough for government work
close in on
close of play
close one's eyes
close one's eyes and think of England
close ranks
close the face
close the stable door after the horse has bolted
close to home
close to the wind
close up shop
close, but no cigar
closed book
closed form
closing time
cloud nine
clout list
clue in
clue stick
clutch artist
coals to Newcastle
cock a snook
cock cheese
cock in the henhouse
cock of the roost
cock of the walk
cock pilot
cock-and-bull story
coffee shop
coil up
coined name
coke dick
cold comfort
cold day in Hell
cold fish
cold hard cash
cold reading
cold shoulder
cold snap
cold turkey
collect dust
collect one's thoughts
color outside the lines
come a cropper
come a long way
come across
come again
come along
come and go
come apart
come around
come at
come clean
come down
come down the pike
come down to
come down to earth
come down to us
come down with
come first
come forward
come from a good place
come full circle
come hell or high water
come home to roost
come in
come in from the cold
come in handy
come into
come into being
come into one's own
come of age
come on
come on over
come online
come out
come out in the wash
come out of one's shell
come out of the closet
come out of the woodwork
come out swinging
come the acid
come thick and fast
come through
come to
come to a close
come to a head
come to a sticky end
come to an end
come to blows
come to grief
come to grips with
come to Jesus
come to life
come to light
come to mention it
come to mind
come to nothing
come to nought
come to one's senses
come to oneself
come to papa
come to someone's aid
come to someone's rescue
come to terms
come to terms with
come to the fore
come to the party
come to think of it
come together
come unhinged
come unstuck
come up
come up roses
come up with
come what may
come with the territory
comedy of errors
comfort girl
comfort woman
comfort zone
comfortable in one's own skin
comfortably off
coming out of one's ears
command performance
common cause
common crossing
common ground
common name
common or garden variety
common touch
company man
company town
complete game
concrete jungle
conjure up
connect up
conscience money
consume mass quantities
controlled substance
cook the books
cook up
cookie licking
cooking with gas
cool head
cool one's heels
cool one's jets
coon eyes
coon's age
cop a feel
cop on
cop oneself on
cop out
copious free time
coprophagous grin
corner the market
corporate ladder
corporate welfare bum
corporation pop
cost a pretty penny
cost the earth
cotton ceiling
cotton on
cotton to
cough up
could care less
could not get elected dogcatcher
couldn't carry a note in a bucket
couldn't happen to a nicer
couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery
count on
count one's blessings
count sheep
country mile
courage of one's convictions
covenant of salt
cover one's feet
cover one's bases
cover someone's ass
cover up
cow bite
cowboy shower
cowboy up
cowgirl position
crab claw
crab mentality
crack a book
crack a crib
crack a fat
crack a smile
crack down
crack of dawn
crack on
crack through
crack up
cradle robber
cradle snatcher
cramp someone's style
crank out
crank up
crap one's pants
crap out
crash and burn
crash course
crash dive
crash together
crawl before you walk
crawl over each other
crawl with
crazy like a fox
crazy pants
cream in one's jeans
cream of the crop
creature comfort
creature feature
creature of the night
creep into
creme de la creme
crème de la crème
criss-cross applesauce
crocodile tear
crony capitalism
crop up
cross my heart
cross my heart and hope to die
cross off
cross one's heart
cross out
cross paths
cross someone's palm
cross someone's path
cross swords
cross that bridge when one comes to it
cross the aisle
cross the line
cross the Rubicon
cruising for a bruising
crunch numbers
cry all the way to the bank
cry down
cry for help
cry foul
cry in one's beer
cry one's eyes out
cry someone a river
cry the blues
cry uncle
cry wolf
crying shame
crystal clear
crystal dick
cue up
cuff Jonas
culpable homicide
cult film
culture hero
cum grano salis
cup of joe
cup of tea
curate's egg
curb appeal
curb crawler
curl someone's hair
curry favor
cut a dash
cut a figure
cut a rug
cut a swath
cut a wide swath
cut above
cut and dried
cut and thrust
cut bait
cut below
cut both ways
cut corners
cut down
cut from the same cloth
cut in
cut it
cut it close
cut it fine
cut loose
cut no ice
cut of one's jib
cut off
cut off one's nose to spite one's face
cut one loose
cut one's coat according to one's cloth
cut one's teeth
cut oneself
cut out
cut red tape
cut short
cut some shapes
cut someone loose
cut swathes
cut the cheese
cut the crap
cut the mustard
cut the umbilical cord
cut through
cut to pieces
cut to the chase
cut to the quick
cut up
cutie pie
cutting edge
cylinder head
daily grind
damn by association
damn right
damn straight
damn the torpedoes
damn with faint praise
damn Yankee
damned if one does and damned if one doesn't
damp squib
dance of the seven veils
dance to a different tune
dance to a new tune
dangly bits
Daniel come to judgement
dark horse
dark market
darken a church door
darken someone's door
darn tootin'
darning needle
dash off
date with destiny
daughter of Eve
Davy Jones's locker
dawn of a new day
dawn on
day after day
day and age
day and night
day in, day out
day lark
day of days
day one
day or night
day out
daylight robbery
days of yore
dead air
dead and buried
dead asleep
dead cat bounce
dead center
dead duck
dead end
dead giveaway
dead heat
dead in the water
dead last
dead loss
dead meat
dead men
dead men's shoes
dead 'n' buried
dead of night
dead on
dead president
dead ringer
dead to rights
dead tree edition
dead weight
dead wood
deadbeat dad
deadstick landing
deafening silence
deal breaker
death by spellcheck
death knell
death spiral
death warmed up
deathbed conversion
debris field
December bride
decimal dozen
deep down
deep end
deep pockets
deep six
deep sleep
deep thinker
deep water
deer in the headlights
definitive agreement
Delhi belly
delight in
deliver the goods
deliver the message to Garcia
den of iniquity
deputy first minister
Derangement Syndrome
desk jockey
detective work
devil is in the details
devil's advocate
devil's luck
dial back
dial down
diamond in the rough
diamond ring
dick milk
dick munch
dick-measuring contest
dictated but not read
die down
die off
die on the vine
die out
dig deep
dig in
dig in one's heels
dig one's own grave
dig oneself in a hole
dig out of a hole
dig up
dig up dirt
dim bulb
dimber damber upright man
dime a dozen
dime's worth
diminishing returns
dip a toe into
dip into
dip out
diplomatic flu
dirt file
dirt nap
dirty cop
dirty laundry
dirty look
dirty money
dirty pillow
dirty word
dirty work
disagree with
Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells
dish the dirt
dishpan hands
dismal science
dive in
do a
do a bunk
do a number on
do a slow burn
do away with
do by halves
do down
do drugs
do for
do in
do it
do it tough
do justice
do me a favour
do me a lemon
do one
do one's bit
do one's block
do one's business
do one's damnedest
do one's darnedest
do one's thing
do one's utmost
do right by
do someone dirty
do someone proud
do someone's head in
do the deed
do the dirty on
do the hard yards
do the honors
do the honours
do the math
do the right thing
do the trick
do up
do want
do well
do well by doing good
do well for oneself
do what
do with mirrors
do without
doctors make the worst patients
dodge a bullet
does the Pope shit in the woods
dog and cat
dog and pony show
dog around
dog ear
dog eat dog
dog in the hunt
dog my cats
dog's breakfast
dog's chance
dog's life
dole out
dollar-sign eyes
done and done
done and dusted
done deal
donkey work
donkey's ears
donkey's years
don't call us, we'll call you
don't drop the soap
don't get me started
don't give up your day job
don't go there
don't hold your breath
don't keep a dog and bark yourself
don't knock yourself out
don't let the door hit you on the way out
don't shit where you eat
don't tell me
doom and gloom
dope sheet
dormitive principle
dormitive virtue
doss about
doss around
dot the i's and cross the t's
double back
double booked
double down
double Dutch
double entendre
double over
double taker
double talk
double tap
double vertical line
double-edged sword
douche bag
down and out
down at heel
down cellar
down for the count
down in the dumps
down in the mouth
down on one's luck
down on one's uppers
down pat
down the cludgie
down the drain
down the khazi
down the line
down the pan
down the road
down the road, not across the street
down the toilet
down the track
down the tubes
down to a fine art
down to the short strokes
down to the wire
down under
down with his apple-cart
Downing Street
drag king
drag on
drag one's feet
drag out
drag through the mud
drag up
drain the main vein
drama queen
draw a line
draw a line in the sand
draw away
draw back
draw down
draw even
draw in
draw off
draw one's last breath
draw stumps
draw the line
draw the short straw
drawing card
dream house
dredge up
dress down
dress to kill
dressed to kill
dressed to the nines
dribs and drabs
drift apart
drift off
drill down
drill rig
drilling rig
drink from a firehose
drink with the flies
drinking age
drinking hole
drive away
drive home
drive off
drive out
drive someone crazy
drive someone up the wall
drive the porcelain bus
drive-by media
drool bucket
drop a bollock
drop a bomb
drop a bombshell
drop a brick
drop a dime
drop a hint
drop a log
drop anchor
drop dimes
drop in
drop in the bucket
drop in the ocean
drop off
drop off the radar
drop out
drop science
drop someone a line
drop the ball
drop the bomb
drop the f-bomb
drop the gloves
drop the mic
drop the writ
drop trow
dropout factory
drown out
drug deal
drug of choice
drug on the market
drugstore cowboy
drum up
dry behind the ears
dry eye
dry one's eyes
dry out
dry powder
dry run
dry up and blow away
duck out
duck soup
duck test
due course
Citations:due course
dueling tree
duke it out
dumb bunny
dumb down
dumb shit
dummy run
dummy spit
dump on
dump one's load
Dunkirk spirit
dust mouse
dust off
dust off a batter
dust settle
dusty miller
Dutch act
Dutch courage
Dutch oven
Dutch reckoning
duty calls
dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants
dyed in the wool
dying quail
dynamite charge
➤ Read more idioms and phrases, English grammar and vocabulary at Basic English Grammar And Vocabulary .
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➤ Origin of Idioms
➤ Proverbs
➤ Idioms on Situation
➤ Idioms on Temperature
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100 Articles on Idioms and Phrases
We Have A Situation, Picking Up Some Chinese (Food)
Origin: Phrases Derived from Various Sources, Part 1
Getting Warmer, The Suffix, -ish, Coming To A Head, Hitting the Books
What's Your Beef, Not Quite So Simple
A Lame Duck, lame duck session
Pain At The Pump, Slogging One's Way, Being Outdoors
A Number Of Something, A Product Line, To Kill A Product Line
A Big Freeze,To Be In, Or Not In, Arm-Twisting
Last-Minute, Propelled By, Squeaking By
Blowing A Gasket, Lost In Translation
Nothing To Lose, It Can't Hurt, A Babe In The Woods
Neck Of The Woods, Turning The Other Cheek, A Loudmouth
An Odyssey, Getting One's Feet Wet
Significant Other, Having Something To Say
Through and Through, A Crying Shame
Tell Us How You Really Feel, Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Begging On Hands And Knees, The Front Burner & The Back Burner
Wilderness and Errand Themed Idioms, In The Wilderness
Surging and Ebbing, Playing Your Cards Right
Positive and Negative Advertisements, Enthusiasm Gap
Through The Barrel Of A Gun, Man Up,
A Case For Action, Darkening, Brightening, Salvaging Victory
Political Battlegrounds, Pumping Money, A Wave Of Ads, Ramping Up Spending
English Proverbs With Their Meanings
Smooth Sailing, Rough Sailing, Sailing To Victory, Going Solar, Zombie Banks
Taking The Temperature (of a group), Buck Up
Show Some Backbone, Have / Grow A Spine, Breathing Down Someone's Neck, Front Runner Status
Staring Down The Barrel Of...., In Line (To Succeed), Up For Grabs, Band-Aid Solution
A Blip, A Wave, A Tsunami/ A Tidal Wave, A Method To One's Madness, Crowning Achievement
Easier Said Than Done, In Store, Jumping The Shark, Heading Downhill
In All Seriousness, Digging It, Giving A Damn, A.M. and P.M., Keep Up The Good Work
To Keep Something Coming, Make My Day, Forcing Something, Turning The Page
Mission Accomplished, I Can't Thank You Enough, Words Fail Me, At A Loss For Words
"I Can't Hear You!", To Snatch Away, At The Top Of Your Lungs, Hanging Your Head (In Shame)
Leaving It All On The Field, Cool, Hot, To Trust Blindly, I'm Free
The Day of Reckoning, Aiming For Something, Hopping Mad, You've Gotta Be Kidding Me
Throwing The Baby Out With The Bathwater, Off The Reservation, At First Blush
Smelling A Rat, A Packrat, A Frog In Your Throat
When Pigs Fly, Horsing Around, An Eager Beaver, Dropping Like Flies
Wolfing Food Down, Pigging Out, Opening A Can Of Worms
A White Elephant, The Tip of the Iceberg
Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag, A Fat Cat
Making Waves, Go With The Flow, Down to Earth
A Stick-In-The-Mud, A Sight For Sore Eyes, Raining On Someone's Parade
Under the Weather, Having Your Head In The Clouds
Stealing Someone's Thunder, Hitting the Sack, Hitting the Hay, Digging Deep, Cheesy
A Bad Apple, A Bad Egg, One's Bread and Butter, A Piece of Cake
In A Nutshell, Egg on your Face, A Hot Potato, Hitting the Sauce, Gravy Train etc.
Riding Someone's Coattails, Caught On Tape, Armed to the Teeth, Seeing Eye To Eye
Flipped On Its Head, In The Heart Of, I Feel Like A Million Bucks, On The Line
Notable English Idioms: Part 01
Notable English Idioms: Part 02
Idioms beginning with E, F, G, H
Idioms beginning with I, J, K, L
Idioms beginning with P, Q, R, S
Idioms beginning with T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z